Who Am I?

Tarek A. Haila, I have finished my B.Sc. in Informatics Technology Engineering (Computer Science) in 2015. Between 2017-2019 I did my M.Sc. in Color Science in 4 high-ranked European university (UDL France, UGR Spain, UEF Finland and NTNU Norway) while receiving a full Erasmus-Mundus+ scholarship. Afterward, I was chosen to receive the prestigious Marie Sklodowska-Curie ITN scholarship to do my PhD between 2020-2023.

The focus of my Ph.D. research was to study the impact of cross-polarization filters on color reproduction and the color calibration process, which resulted in 3 accepted publications in the Imaging Science and Technology (IS&T) conferences (CIC30, EI23, and Archiving2023).

Scientific Interest

I am very enthusiastic and always keen to learn more about light/color and how it works. How we, as humans first and as specicies generally, percieve and process color information as I am very interested in the visual system.

I am, as well, fascinated by all the technology around us that is primarily based on displays (light/color), and by our attempt to capture and reproduce reality by all the development happening in the camera and image processing fields.



I am experienced in the camera image processing pipeline including all the steps of

  • Measuring the camera spectral sensitivity curves.

  • Raw image data handling.

  • White-balance.

  • Demosaicking.

  • Color correction.

  • Exporting final image file (JPEG, PNG, TIFF, ...etc.).

My previous work and research enables me to help you with...

  • Planning and realizing a digitization pipeline according to the standards (ISO 19264-1, FADGI) regarding color calibration and color accuracy.

  • As well as, understanding and implementing a color management system (CMS) for precise color reproduction.

  • Running color calibration on displays and cameras to ensure accurate color reproduction and viewing experience.

  • Choosing the right color target for your application and customizing it if necessary.